Supercharged Evaluation Skills
Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.
Blackburn with Darwin Borough Council
- Fantastic lecturer with a great sense of knowledge and understanding. His approach was very professional.
Blackpool Adult Learning Service
- Scaffolding! Waterfall of information to be flowed throughout organisation.
Bracknell and Wokingham College
- I found the big picture element of this session stimulating and will reflect upon this in days to come. Extremely relevant to my current college.
Bury College
- Much better understanding of differentiation and stretch and challenge.
Canterbury College
- It’s clear that staff have been inspired by the ideas presented and are going to make positive changes to their practice as a result.
Coleg Cambria
- Can’t wait to try and implement what I have learned.
Derby College
- The session has helped the fog to lift after a long summer break.
East Coast College
- This was the best English lesson I’ve ever had, 🙂 Very enjoyable.
- I plan to develop a vocational thesaurus and adapt the induction process to culminate in a ‘zone experience’.
Framework Housing Association
- As a facilitator, I feel I’m now moving into a first class train carriage from second.
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
- With tentative, smart steps I’ve been taken from the side of the stage to performing music in front of an audience.
Halton Borough Council
- Work from desired impact backwards.
Highbury College
- Good starting points and exercises that built up my understanding and encouraged me to think more creatively in terms of word colours and higher-order thinking skills.
Hopwood Hall College
- I have been blown away by some of these lovely ideas. I am thinking in colour!!
Itchen College
- Full-colour vocabulary – awesome.
Kingston College
- Excellent day and hosts. It has made a huge positive impact.
Knowsley Community College
- Love the scaffolding approach. Will use it, 100%.
Lancashire Adult Learning
- A cacophony of rainbow adverbages that will initiate a colourful journey of language exploration throughout my teaching.
Leicester College
- Changed my perception of differentiation. The most productive training event attended in a long while.
- The pieces that were missing from the jigsaw puzzle have been found!
Newbubbles delegate, Portsmouth
- Fantastic. Really keen to spend more time on these areas. First class.
New College Nottingham
- Thinking beyond the straightjacket of my sector.
- This is the best CPD session I have attended in at least 5 years – your facilitation style is brilliant!
Northern College
- The ‘full colour’ writing is a brilliant way to enable students to understand what they need to do and how to do it.
North Lindsey College
- Fast, furious and exciting.
North Nottinghamshire College
- Epic.
Palmer’s College
- Excellent!
Solihull College and University Centre
- Zeus’ thunderbolt.
Stockport Continuing Education Service
- An exquisite and engaging journey across the room.
Sunderland College
- I will be using the colour-coded sentences in order to get learners to create effective analytical sentences.
Sussex Downs College
- Like discovering a chocolate cake in a box labelled ‘chore’.
Weston College
- I found the strategies presented to be useful for providing a framework to consider learners’ learning skills. It prompted me to think about a process that all staff can use.
West Cheshire College
- Inspiring! 🙂 Though we practise these philosophies already within the area, the structure of how to approach it holistically will help immensely in the planning of curriculum.
West Lancashire College
- Loved the activities – very engaging and made me work, but in a confident and supported environment.
West Nottinghamshire College
- My head is spinning with ideas!
- I need to develop learners’ ability to give their opinions and my higher-order questioning skills.
West Thames College
- Tony was very knowledgeable and it was extremely enlightening to revisit differentiation and stretch & challenge. I now feel more equipped to ask higher-order questions.
- I thoroughly enjoyed all the input and the professional approach.
Wirral Metropolitan College
- Wow!
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