English skills: an easier life for teachers
Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.
Access Creative College
- Socially engaging and visual. Encouraged teaching and learning strategy thinking.
- Inspirational assignment briefs that triggered learning.
- Online delivery and engaging resources eg: Prezi that was being used in session was effective.
- An enriching exercise to inform present practice.
- Contextualising GCSE English materials into the different vocational subject areas.
- Sharing good practise using the Quality Standard.
- The focus on ‘difference’ rather than ‘stuff’ to achieve effective outcomes.
- Well organised and planned session.
- Vital for Life!
- Stuff & Difference. Creating the Need for Knowledge Spread over a longer time.
- I am looking forward to watching the recording back so I can break it down, some parts went quickly for me!
Hopwood Hall College
- A very engaging and informative session. I never knew that English objectives/outcomes could be useful to develop expert learning skills.
- Returning to college in the new year can sometimes be a baptism of fire, but your molten bronze drops of wisdom helped us to see the light at the end of the Ofsted tunnel.
- As a teacher of English (and a teacher educator) I love the way you presented the AOs for GCSE Eng Lang as required content in every curriculum.
- Such fantastic concepts!
- You have started to restore my faith in teaching and learning.
- Very informative, increased my knowledge of keeping learners engaged.
- Learning was fun, like a fairground!
- Rollercoaster of learning.
- Looking at learning as an experience and not only as a learning outcome.
- Think about and consider the emotional journey of my learners.
- ‘Curiosity’ – need to bring this into my introduction and recap sessions.
- Very motivating and allowed me to reflect on my own practices and how it can be implemented.
- Changing how I word and look at lesson plans.
- The distinction between ‘stuff’ and ‘difference’ was very good and useful.
- The ‘January low point’ was great!
- My learning experience was ‘banging’ as Brian Cox would say.
- I thoroughly enjoyed this session, I feel motivated.
- The 3 broad experience groups is a much nicer way to describe my learners’ levels at the start of the year.
Stoke College
- Like drinking a refreshing vitamin laden beverage on a hot and muggy day.
- Hit the nail n the head! To push boundaries.
- A river carving its way through a canyon.
- 1) Wiki’s and their effectiveness. 2) Clearer mapping and needs analysis to English/FS and learning skills. 3) Emotional arc and curriculum planning.
- Enrichment of sessions to include 9 outcomes for GCSE actually inspires you to improve all content.
- Came away with a new perspective on lesson objectives.
Wirral Metropolitan College
- Curiosity skilled the cat.
- [I need to] Change SoW to engage, use positive reinforcement and excitement.
- Make your weakest [aspect of provision] your strongest.
- [I need to] Use one of the assessment activities to incorporate literacy into our sessions.
- Excellent, informative session. Really interesting and well presented.
- [I need] More English within sessions using comparative text, etc..
- Motivational, coming up with better ideas.
- [I need to] Change the way we interpret English language into our lessons.
- Use English tools to integrate into the classroom – also look at SoW.
- [I need to] Make more lessons (subjects) fun. Always engaged with the presenter.
- Curriculum areas and English have been running parallel for years on a train track, heading for the same destination, but will never meet. You have to derail the train so that the tracks meet, to meet the final destination. Please do a session for English staff!! Derail that train!! 🙂
- I think parts of this session could be adapted for the English team – adapting SoW to engage students, [to] engage those who we think are not going to pass.
- A rolling subject gathers some English skills.
- [I need to] Use English tools to integrate into my own area.
- Making learning fun. Changing ways of delivery and embedding English into sessions – motivation.
- Inspiring. [We need to] Use sex more! 🙂
- Bruce Lee said: ‘You should always train your weakest side first’.
- A cloud with a silver lining.
- [I need to] Make it more exciting.
- I could have listened and learned all day.
- Sharpened our pencils!
- A duck to water 🙂 Even more great ideas and inspiration. It’s always a pleasure to attend your lessons.
West Thames College
- Always look towards outcomes, then build strategies towards that end.
- A journey of new understanding.
- I found it useful to see the assessment objectives for GCSE English and have the time to think about how drama can serve these objectives, and embed them in every class.
- Shamazing!!
- Changed my own mindset.
- I enjoyed the session – very motivated.
- It was delivered very professionally.
- Enlightening.
- Light at the end of the tunnel.
- I thought we’d be talking about [GCSE English] exams. We actually talked about how to develop learners’ skills. I found this much more useful and inspiring – building skills for the future – skills students can use. It needs to be longer.
- It was like being cocooned in a warm, pleasant sweatshirt.
- Moved perspective.
- Enjoyed the delivery style – matched my own.
- Very useful in generating ideas of how to embed.
- It was a great session.
- Really interesting session – active and thought provoking.
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