Task 1 v.2
Your task is to choose one or two elements you’re interested in from any of the seven aspect categories below, then to write a few sentences that sets out how you want learners to be different by the end of their induction experience. Step-by-step instructions below.
Aspects of Induction
- Assessment of need
- Expert learning
- Social bonding
- Aspiration management
- Programme knowledge
- Health and safety
- Late enrollers
- Click an ‘Aspect’ link above and choose an ‘Element’ heading you are interested in, then return to this page (using your back button or the breadcrumb under the picture).
- Add both the ‘Aspect’ and ‘Element’ headings to one of the empty rows in the table below.
- Next, write a sentence or two that sets out the ideal ‘gold standard’ impact you would want to have on a learner by the end of the extended induction experience. Two examples are given in green (the blue text shows the ‘visible’ part of the outcome). You can type directly into the form, or copy and paste from Word.
- If you see a cursor in a cell, it will be another user, so just choose another cell please.
- To scroll down the form, click into it and either use the scroll wheel on your mouse or the down arrow on your keyboard.
- I’m afraid you can’t type into the form with a mobile phone.
NB. All of these entries will remain available to help inspire the development of your own Quality Standard for Induction.