Induction Aspect – Social bonding | Centre for Creative Quality Improvement

Collaboration > Induction Aspect - Social bonding

Please add* all Elements related to this Aspect of the Extended Induction period. A Element is a word or short phrase that identifies an impact you want to have, or a process to produce this impact. In other words, it’s just a heading that will produce more thinking later in the process. Here’s an example of an Element of Social bonding:

  • Teamwork & interpersonal sensitivity

Type your own elements here:

  • Forming a group that is confident and comfortable to share & learn from each others experience
  • Helping the staff who are delivering the induction to understand social pedagogy
  • A new beginning; a new environment
  • Familiarity with surroundings
  • Learning from key subject-specific icons/personalities
  • Patience
  • Peer learning
  • Respect for and valuing of others/diversity (agreement of rules)
  • Supportive of others/interpersonal skills
  • Sharing interests with others
  • Student Union
  • Teamwork/team building – peer and staff relationships (inc. building trust)
  • Tolerance (Debating and accepting other’s standpoints over their own – without losing ‘face’)
  • Safe haven where learners can confidently express their opinions
  • Understanding that there are people on a similar journey and using them for per support throughout the programme

* To add to this wiki, just click the  tab above. On the following wiki page you’ll find two further tabs: ‘visual’ and ‘text’. Best to use the ‘visual’ tab. Be sure to click ‘Save‘ when you’re done. 



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