Learning issues wiki | Centre for Creative Quality Improvement

Collaboration > Learning issues wiki

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  • Click the ‘Edit’ tab just above and to the right of this text.
  • When in edit mode, ensure the ‘Visual’ tab is selected over on the top-right of the form.
  • Type in your contribution to the list of learning issues.
  • Click save, underneath the form window, bottom left.
  • Any problems, do please drop me a line.


  1. Over-contributors: Learners who want to answer every question.
  2. Bystanders: Learners who don’t sufficiently engage in Q&A and/or discussions.
  3. Unable to remember information in the short term, e.g. within the lesson and/or until the following week.
  4. Unable to remember information over the longer term.
  5. Poor attitude to primary research.
  6. Learned dependence: learners over rely on feedback from teachers to move their work forward.
  7. Poor attitude to learning between lessons.
  8. Lack of motivation.
  9. Lack of resilience.
  10. Find it difficult to critically reflecting on their own work.
  11. Poor at problem solving.
  12. Homework not completed [flipped learning]
  13. Does not want to/won’t/can’t collaborate due to learning difficulty [eg Asperger’s]
  14. Feel they need to attend college, rather than want to.
  15. Easily distracted.
  16. Difficulties transferring information between formats/contexts – auditory, written text, practical.
  17. Students who struggle to respond to formative feedback; they struggle to activate resources in order to respond and move their work forward.
  18. Students who lack confidence.
  19. Students who say “I don’t do Maths/English, I’ve never been very good at it/them.”
  20. Employers not understanding ways that apprentices can learn.
  21. Apprentices who have historical negative learning experiences especially written work and theory sessions.
  22. SEND students who are over-reliant on support which impacts upon their independence.
  23. Low aspirations which affect motivation and engagement.
  24. High level of anxiety (especially post COVID lockdowns), leading to low self-esteem & low confidence to fully engage and to try new things.
  25. Students lack the independence to drive their own learning forwards.
  26. Students struggle to see the ‘real’  benefits of developing their maths and/or English skills development.
  27. Students are not able to identify/articulate what they are good at, and what they need to do to be better.
  28. Student lack the ability to speak to each other respectfully in either formal and/or informal situations.
  29. Students may be subjected to peer pressure and have unrealistic goals.
  30. Accessibility issues to get into the college, financial difficulties and lack of access to information sources.
  31. Students with childcare and other commitments (employment) that compete for attention.
  32. Students achieve progression offer (such as University unconditional offer) allowing them to switch off from high grade achievement.
  33. Students unwilling to engage through fear of failure/not achieving as well as peers.
  34. Students can’t answer questions confidently.
  35. Students are uninterested and passive.
  36. Students display poor behaviour for learning.
  37. Students that rush to complete tasks resulting in poor quality work, is this due to boredom or not understanding high quality work.
  38. Students do not have critical writing skills.
  39. Students do not have skills or strategies to reflect on areas of development.
  40. Students who have missed lessons/have poor attendance..
  41. One learner requires much more support than the rest of the class.
  42. Memory retention.
  43. High experienced learner in a practical lesson, but low experienced in theory lessons.
  44. Quantity over quality.
  45. Some students have a strong mind set, not keen to embed new coping mechanisms to make positive changes to improve/move forward.
  46. Reduced student-teacher contact hours – rushed & challenging to deliver required curriculum
  47. From reduced teacher – student contact  hours -students replace independent study hrs with part time jobs, this taking priority over their college studies – resulting in attendance/punctuality issues.
  48. Increased number of high need students  with many complex behaviour/wellbeing/health problems –college support is limited – further challenges for teachers to navigate through.
  49. Strategies employed to get out of study rather than  engaging or trying to learn.


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