Birmingham Metropolitan College
Creative Learning Teams
- It made me think more about what I was doing and it was interesting to see some of the mistakes I make happen in others’ practice (offering direct early advice rather than coaching) and what I could do to combat this.
- Good to see my fellow colleagues teach a similar topic and the different ways we all do it. Much more friendly approach to observations and more learning occurred.
- I found that seeing the other staff’s good practice has enabled me to understand the use of different teaching strategies and their effect on students.
Grade 1 Leadership and Management
- Light at the end of the tunnel – move towards ungraded, developmental observations..
Transformational Lesson Observation (observation team)
- The brick wall I have banged my head against for years is finally starting to crumble!
- I missed the morning due to teaching commitments – I feel I missed a huge amount.
- The cage door is open.
- It hit all the buttons for me!
- Feedback is dead: asking the right questions to empower staff to solve their own problems and set their own objectives.
- Out of the darkness into the light!
- Absolutely changed my view of lesson observation and how this can be a real change focus for college development.
- ‘Kerching’ – light bulbs have lit in my brain!
- Excellent and challenging mountain to climb.
- Enthused to drive reflection forward.
- It has helped me hugely as I am quite new to lesson observation, but now I feel much better equipped to support my peers and colleagues.
- I loved the idea of promoting curiosity among learners again, and how very useful to be able to discuss these matters openly.
- Opened new doors.
- Evaluation, instead of feedback.
- Going behind the scenes of lesson observations
- A light has been shone on an aspect of CPD that’s been left in darkness for too long.
- Thank you for the insights and validation.
- Standing by to launch Thunderbird 1.
- I can’t wait to get started.
- Inspire and energise staff to take risks, enjoy teaching and become inspirational.
- I will be excited to teach tomorrow – curiosity…
Transformational Lesson Observation (teachers)
- Like an interesting new recipe!
- Exciting and relevant
- A good and refreshing view on a system that generally leaves staff disheartened and demoralised, irrespective of the grade.
- The windscreen is starting to clear!
- Has motivated me to take more risks to achieve outstanding learning for my students.
- I want to improve my people skills to motivate and inspire my learners.
- I thoroughly enjoyed this session, it was a refreshing change. It is clear that BMET are valuing and supportive of teachers. I feel I will learn a lot of good practice through this pilot.
- Turning observation on its head.
- Refreshing.
- Inspirational, enlightening and encouraging. We have been heard!
- Creative thinking.
- Critical thinking.
- Like having eyes opened a little, and fear assuaged.
- Quixotic.
- I will better consider the impact my lessons have on learners and their learning.
The RED System
- You can teach an old dog new tricks.
- It was hard and tiring, but definitely worth it.
- The discussions were positive and focused on building our skills in teaching and learning.
- Resetting the sails on a ship to chart new or forgotten waters, discovery or rediscovery.
- Forms worked well for focusing teachers and getting them out of ‘feedback’ thinking.
- Eye opener to many possibilities.
- Learning is an adventure with new discoveries every day.
- It was interesting to see some of the mistakes I make happen in others’ practice.
- Climbing out from under the microscope and looking down the lens yourself.
Perfecting Self-Assessment Writing
- I have grown an extra finger on my hand.
- I have climbed out of a dark hole and seen the light.
- This has proved to be the most beneficial session this year.
- Excellent, entertaining delivery with lots of practical hints and tips. Thank you!
- Very thought-provoking session. Challenges every aspect of previous SAR and QIP completion!!!
- A whole new adventure!
- It made me see the bigger picture and shattered a lot of myths.
- Empowered.
- Liberating.
- Really helpful to drive us forward.
- Eye opener. Made SAR understandable.
- Inspirational. However, I’d like all training to be of this quality.
- The best training I have attended in years! Thank you.
- Awesome (Totally)
- I can see clearly now!
- Taking the stabilisers off my bike.
- A game changer!
- A discovery journey helping to tackle bad habits.
- I have been involved in writing SARs in the past and can see that I have made these mistakes!
- Can now see the wood as well as the trees. Excellent session.
- The clarity you experience after a thunderstorm.
- Brilliant, enlightening, informative, entertaining, enjoyable.
- Best training all year.
- Excellent way of making you think and challenge ideas and ways of reviewing.
- One of the best sessions for really adding understanding to job role.
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