The Resilient Learner

(c) Tony Davis 2024

CCQI Research Group, call for collaborators

Dear LinkedIn Network, this is a call for anyone who would like to join me on a collaborative research project. The project centres on a comparison between AI-designed and teacher-designed learning materials. The theme for this comparison is ‘The Resilient Learner’. There will be two outputs: a staff-development session on Resilience, and a short paper comparing AI- and human-designed resources.

I’m interested in hearing from collaborators from the following three categories:

  • those interested in producing a training session (or series of sessions) on developing learners’ resilience, but have no/little interest in AI [you will not be asked to use AI]
  • those who enjoy ‘prompt engineering’ and using AI as a session-writing tool
  • those who would like to explore AI, but have little experience at the moment.

Interested parties will be sent a detailed brief of the research project and the opportunities to contribute. I’m hoping the contributions to be as equality spit as possible between:

  • those using AI to produce learning materials, and
  • those using only their own research and experience.

As a thank you for taking part in this CCQI Research Group, all collaborators will receive free access to all of the materials produced for use themselves and/or with their own colleagues.

Hard to be precise, but I imagine collaborators will spend somewhere between 2 and 8 hours on this project, which has a deadline of October 11th. An overview of the project will be presented at the East Coast College FE Research Conference on October 24th.

In the first instance, please register your interest by emailing me at: I’ll then forward the research plan so that you can make a final decision about its value to you.

Hope lots of you can join me again!

Best wishes



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