The RED System

On Thursday, September 16th, my open training session will be on the CCQI RED System. This is a replacement for traditional accountability-style observation processes and it’s without doubt the most powerful and transformational training we do.
Just as with children, quality improvement professionals shouldn’t have favourite providers, but I’m afraid I do. East Coast College suffered the wrath of inspectors for 20 years – can you imagine what that must have felt like? Constantly being told by the Big O ‘No, I know you’ve worked hard, but your still not good enough’. But now, not only are they officially good, but the survey earlier this year put them in the top 25 places to work in FE. And the principal was awarded FE leader of the year. And he also received well deserved recognition from Her Majesty..
While the turn-around did begin with the introduction of The RED System, the successes and accolades are all due to the team establishing a clear culture and investing in how to make it live. Their journey continues, and I’m delighted to be back with them on Wednesday.
If you’d like to see how The RED System differs from others and avoids the common issues with not just accountability-style observations, but also general peer observations and unseen observations, then do please join us on Thursday afternoon. RED is a data-rich, teacher-centred, learning-based system which turns all teachers into pedagogy researchers. RED: Research into Education, and Development.
Do please share this post if you feel they would benefit from looking at things from a different angle.
You can find more details and all the booking information here:
Best wishes, Tony.
#FE #pedagogy #observation #teachingandlearning #c4cqi #JoyFE #UKFEchat #TonyDavis #TheREDsystem
The RED System

Resources for The RED System
For the Intro to RED training session
- Feedback & rewards
- Handout
- Wiki 1
- Wiki 2
- Wiki 3
- Wiki 4: Phase 3: Planning the research lesson – challenges wiki
- Cameos of good practice
- Prezi presentation
For the Intro to RED training session (following TLO)
For everyone
- E1 The RED System overview – in brief
- E2 The RED System overview – in full – Transforming teaching
- E5 Lesson Reflection Form (Peer observer)
- E6 Using the Lesson Reflection Form
For the RED System coordinator
For the Creative Team Leader (CLT)
- L1 The RED System: CLT Leader review notes
- L2 Example CLT-day preparation letter
- L3 CLT day session plan, including:
- L4 Example Lesson reflection form – Functional Skills numeracy
- L5.1 Lesson Reflection Form (CLT leader)
- L5.2 Lesson Reflection Form (CLT leader electronic)
- L5.3 Lesson Reflection Form (CLT leader) Research Lesson
- L5.4 Lesson Reflection Form (CLT Leader ) Research Lesson (Example)
- L6 CLT day feedback form
- L7 Data Collection Form
- L8 Example CLT follow-up letter
For the teacher
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