The Quality Standard

A new paradigm: easy, transformational self assessment

Available in-person.

Typical inspection issues

  • Leaders and teachers do not plan sufficiently to set out their ‘intent’ for ambitious learning impact. [The most likely new weakness from September 2019]
  • Leaders have not created a culture of high enough ambition for students.
  • Teachers do not have high enough expectations of students on study programmes and, in particular, the most able.
  • Leaders and managers have not ensured that quality assurance processes are effective in securing sustainable improvements in provision.


Details at the foot of the page.

Information for event organisers

In this follow-on session to Preparing for Live Self Assessment, staff begin to produce a Quality Standard to replace the inspection framework as the core of the self-assessment process.

The Quality Standard will represent the ‘gold standard’ intended impact of a provider’s work and is produced through a series of carefully choreographed activities and debates. Delegates identify not only the key areas and elements of what they do now, but clearly articulate how provision would look if it were outstanding: representing the ideal learner’s journey. Once the framework of the Quality Standard has been tested and edited, delegates then go on to define the precise impact on learning they want to have for every aspect of provision.

The next stage is the creative part of the process: to produce the implementation plan, often reinventing key aspects of provision. This process begins by determining how the intended impact will be measured (using hard data or professional judgement), the most appropriate period over which to implement improvement actions, and the milestones needed along the way.

Only when the intended impact and monitoring indicators are complete can delegates set out the innovative actions they will use to produce the impact they’ve so carefully defined.

Publicity information for potential delegates

Did you know that poor retention rates can never be considered an ‘issue’ and that improvements in success rates should never be used to monitor your improvement actions? And do you know why so many staff find it hard to write SMART targets?

To find out why and to look at a system that may fundamentally change your approach to quality, come along to the Live Self Assessment session – it’s all about your day job and creativity…

This session will enable delegates to:

  • create a detailed and catalytic vision for outstanding provision
  • produce a series of transformational Implementation Plans
  • use learning-level data effectively to monitor the on-going impact of their work.

What the delegates say

  • For an overview of feedback on this session, please click here.

These comments can be invaluable when generating curiosity about forthcoming training.

Duration (Indicative outline for guidance only)

Step 1: Introduction and process mapping the Quality Standard framework 1 to 2 days
Step 2: Editing of the framework (provider coordinator and editor only) 1 day
Step 3: Review of the emerging framework
Step 4: Defining the intended impact 1 to 2 days
Step 5: Editing of the impact text (provider coordinator and editor only) 1 to 2 days
Step 6: Implementation planning 1 to 2 days input, then work in teams


To discuss your requirements in detail, please phone or drop us a line.


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