Code Institute

Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching

  • My learning journey was akin to navigating a winding river. The training provided a steady current of information, guiding me through new concepts and perspectives. Each bend in the river brought forth thought-provoking insights, and the landscape of knowledge unfolded before me, revealing interesting vistas of understanding.
  • It was a change of paradigm, I view the whole process with different eyes now.
  • There are many different ways to incorporate learning into a lesson that are not just repeating/reading what is on the slides.
  • It was like grabbing the golden ribbons in the crystal maze at the end.
  • Having key interactions with learners given a memorable name and definition was really useful. I look forward to integrating some of these into how we do things.
  • I feel that I have a new perspective on how to approach assessment.
  • Merging ideas to create something new with minimal effort, combing two existing ideas.
  • During the final game trying to “argue” how they may be used and be beneficial in my own role was an interesting exercise that did make me think how more assessment methods could be used to benefit the learners.
  • Some great info in there and the games will be a useful tool to adapt for my own needs.
  • Thank you Tony for a wonderfully engaging day.

Learning Outcomes for Independent Learning

  • For me the key takeway was to never consider a learning outcome in terms of “the student should understand”. This is unlikely to lead to subjective accounts of how the outcome was fulfilled. All learning outcomes must be mapped to objective measures.
  • I found the advice regarding the wording and colour-coding of Learning Outcomes insightful and practical.
  • Retuning a piano.
  • I like the colour coding and will use it again. I will also look at how this can be used for touch points with learners that can matter and how it can steer them.
  • A Roadmap for Exploration. A GPS for Self-Directed Learning.
  • I feel that I have a new perspective on how to approach teaching and writing learning outcomes that better target the desired behavioural changes.
  • My learning journey was like embarking on an adventure in an unfamiliar land, where the path to understanding was paved with games. Initially, the rules seemed obscure, like deciphering a cryptic map. Yet, as we delved deeper, the fog lifted, revealing the hidden treasures of knowledge. While we could have indulged in a more competitive spirit, the journey itself was enriching, and the destination of learning was reached regardless.
  • I feel like a nurtured plant, watered and soaking up the sun in a well-lit window.
  • Thanks for all the useful guidance during the morning session on Thursday. Looking forward to implementing some of the great tips learned.


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