Plymouth College of Art
21st Century Pedagogy
- A broad landscape. It was really stimulating, and I am hopeful that it shifts culture change.
- Useful to think about how to write learning outcomes as this has always been a bit confusing.
- Interesting to consider writing learning outcomes for the expert learning traits.
- Connected well to the morning session [Transformational Lesson Observation] and challenged my approach to learning outcomes.
- The session on writing learning outcomes was excellent. Will use this.
Transformational Lesson Observation
- Leading a horse to water and making it think.
- I really liked finding out that the ‘stuff’ is less important when observing compared to the difference this makes to a learner.
- I began a PGCE as I wanted to teach. I became disillusioned with the process of teaching plans and what to include very quickly. I felt this stopped my natural abilities, was too prescriptive and observations ripped away my confidence. This [session] has helped me realise I wasn’t ‘wrong’ feeling this way that that there are other ways to train as an educator.
- I will constantly try new things to engage and create a social cohesion. Absolutely brilliant session.
- It has given me a good insight into observing others and the importance of myself being observed.
- Stepping into the shoes of the observer.
- Taking on the role of observer has highlighted the emphasis on ‘difference’ and this will be more at the forefront of my mind in future planning and teaching.
- It has helped me to attempt to unpick impact and focus on impact in a much, much more in-depth way than I had the opportunity to do so before.
- Fantastic, idealistic! Love idea of impact > stuff and hope we can implement it here.
- A train breaking down preconceptions
- Eye opening and sensible.
- Empowering: a mute person finding their voice.
- Excellent session in that: the pedagogy of our curriculum can now be analysed/evaluated with a new sense of purpose. Seeing/empathising with the observer in terms of the process of augmentation – how to allow the observee to effectively reflect on the impact of indicators of difference.
- Horizon.
- [I need to] Question in a different way. “You know when you did such and such; what do you think the impact was?”
- Sharpening a pencil.
- I felt that it helped a lot to refine my ideas around what is important and how the important aspects of what we do can be over-ridden and undermined my stuff and ego.
- Be more open-minded. Hopefully the process at PCA will be more supportive and less about accountability.
- A messy bedroom which I want to tidy up! I found the discussion points stimulating and thought-provoking.
- I have a curiosity for ideas, so I’m looking forward to trialling the new structure.
- Using a torch in a cave.
- ‘Granular’ – I learnt the meaning of this word, and this session sums up this word as it has many interesting points holding it together.
- Helped me consider what ‘actual’ impact it [teaching] has on my learners.
- In-depth exploration of terminology was very helpful.
- [I need to] Structure lessons completely differently. Impact on learning as the focal/central consideration.
- I’ve never really thought about how my sessions might change learners.
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