Shared Services in the FE sector

The paradigm in which further education nestles is changing. New technologies are challenging established learning strategies as well as changing the outlook of new learners entering the system. The raising of the compulsory participation age, and the significant increase in the direct cost of higher education, will present the sector with challenges it is yet to fully articulate. Together with a significant reduction in Government funding this all means that few Colleges can afford to continue their provision unchanged.

The sector is, of course, fully aware of these issues, and the search for innovation and efficiency was been spearheaded by a significant investment by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) in 2011, much of which was managed by the Association of Colleges (AoC).

CCQI’s Director, Tony Davis, was commissioned by the AoC to write a national research report on the 41 Shared Service projects, together with a series of in-depth case studies on a hand full of the most interesting. Many of the original 41 projects stopped short of formal shared services, so this resource should be considered invaluable for any organisation looking for a different approach to quality improvement and the search for innovation.

And if you’d like staff’s perspective on what it feels like to take part in this sort of approach, then watch the series of films that accompanies the case studies. Understanding the journey helps you take your first step.

Wessex 1 front page 150x212

True Shared Service case studies

Solent lesson 150x211

Case studies on innovation through sharing

Inspiration sheet 1a front 150x212

‘How to’ guides









Evaluation report front page 150x212

National research report

Taxonomy front page 150x212

Shared Services taxonomy










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