RNN College Group

Perfecting Progress Reviews

  • Motivated to make change.
  • I am keen to explore how some of the ideas today can be moulded to use around the current structure I have to abide by. There were lots of helpful tips to make the process more meaningful and to support a move away from ‘stuff’.
  • I think the session was really well structured. I think I have a range of new tools in my toolkit, I just need time and scope to try a few out.
  • An overall informative day, the group size was perfect.

Perfecting Self-Assessment Writing

  • Re-energising
  • The light has been turned on!
  • Very enjoyable and knowledgeable presenter who made me think deeper.
  • Light bulb moment regarding ‘Live Self Assessment’ vs. ‘historic self assessment’.
  • A ship that has found its port.
  • A venture into the thought provoking..
  • A canvas that has had colour added to it.
  • The forest’s been cleared.

The Art of Using Target Setting

  • Inspirational, thought-provoking.
  • I will share with colleagues in the hope to move away from the restrictions of SMART as an organisation, in the interim, as organisational change does not happen quickly, I plan to use the information gained from today in my own teaching sessions, linking to reflection and personal development which are key processes for my students to embrace.
  • I think I will have a go at some changes, do some deeper reading, and revisit the training again in the future to refresh.
  • I have asked a key staff member who works in our quality dept if this training could be delivered at one of our staff development days to share to a wider audience.
  • Thank you for a very informative and refreshing session.


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