Hereford College of Arts
Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching
- I feel like I started on a camel and left on a fully functional cruise ship.
- New ideas bloom.
- A caveman discovering oil and beginning to imagine a Tesla.
- Fantastic games. Learners taking ownership of learning.
- Streams of ideas flowed for new lessons.
- Thinking about what I want the next step to be. The strategies are really useful and I will be using them in my lessons.
- Supermarket sweep!
- The importance and relevance of students becoming independent through functionable and relevant assessment throughout their learning journey.
- Loved it. Such a breath of fresh air to be taught actively and treated as experts in our fields. Thanks Tony.
- Buzzing with potential.
- That assessment (formative) can be a part of making all lessons more varied and exciting for students. Students don’t seem to be aware of their learning but these strategies will help.
- Reignition of a flame that has gone out.
- Blackpool illuminations – so many lightbulb moments!
- Great presentation and excellent activities.
- A really useful, engaging session.
- Re-evaluate my assessment strategies!
- Really enjoyably stimulating and provocative! Well-paced. Thank you!
- Your website…I will get on the subscription. Really great content. My partner starts teacher training and I will pass this on to her.
- Filling up the Jag with premium petrol.
- Fun, interactive, Knowledgeable!
- Helpful at the start of term to reflect on better lesson planning / strategies.
- Great session, thanks!
- No metaphor just enjoyed it! Thank you!
- Use ideas on cards to inform decisions round lessons and add into SOW.
- Inspirational. Excited to try new strategies.
- To put control into the hands of my learners, help them really detach the college experience from their school experience.
- Lots of great ideas – some I’ve come across before but with useful tweaks to make them more formative as assessments. Good to be reminded of some I’d forgotten and revisit those I already use.
- Thank you! A great start to a new academic year.
- Thrown back into the deep-end – but at least with some armbands (1st day back after Summer).
- I will change my wording of ‘outcomes’ to better include the skill and specific development.
- Thank you for this session. One, it really helped get back into the flow after summer and two, the ’50 shades’ cards give an excellent starting point to manipulate into different sessions. I can take these and run with them.
Learning Motivation – designing unmissable experiences
- We have been hit with a tidal wave of new ideas.
- Asking yourself ‘Why is that then?’, trying to get to the root of an issue.
- Inspirational.
- Creating zone experience (unforgettable) using formula for happiness. Designing outstanding learning experiences.
- A bit like the first week of college. Amazing, lots of things to take in, useful.
- Ask why (students struggle to apply maths). Lots of thought about “symptom” and how to apply.
- Overall great, enthralling and capturing.
- Mind blowing! – but in a really good way!
- I need 2 TARDIS! But I’ll go away and try to find a doable alternative. Thank you! Really enjoyed today.
- Looking at a map and realising there is more than one way to get to my destination. (direct/indirect/passive experiential)
- Think always about how the students might feel and approach solutions from their perspective.
- I am not a fan of rules – as in creative thinking. We wish to solve problems not be bound by them. You have given me some new tools to envision how I will deliver some of my sessions – Thank you!
- I have been a teacher for 20 years and an observer, I genuinely cannot think how to improve the day.
- I really enjoyed learning a new way of approaching these problems.
- Filled my backpack!
- Primarily to consider how to re-energise the return in the Spring Term.
- A Robert Motherwell painting – all nuance and hidden structure disguised as gesture.
- Induction learning outcomes!
- Exciting exploration of ideas I didn’t know I had.
- Refocusing some planning strategies.
- Big experiences, one memorable and making a lasting difference.
- Uplifting.
- Remember to think about the learner’s experiences.
- Teaching can be less formal and more fun.
- Feeling inspired. Looking at preparing a lesson to inspire and motivate learners for the beginning of January (their lowest point).
- I am committed to try to come up with a thought-provoking lesson to inspire my learners in January.
- Make an impact with teaching equals memories for students, motivated students. Thank you.
- Motivational. Zone (happiness theory)
- Fun!
- Motivational for having extraordinary lessons. Great thank you.
- Door opening.
- Supercharged evaluation skills.
The RED System: Transforming lesson observation
- It’s like when Derren Brown hypnotised a concert pianist.
- A signpost to Everest! We’ve got a huge climb ahead. There will be challenges along the way but we’re going in the right direction and have taken the first steps.
- Great understanding of how observations will work.
- Was insightful.
- Changing the terminology from learning observations/walks etc. Empowered to take control of our standards.
- Thank you so much – great thought-provoking day. I wish all my team had been able to attend – I will definitely be sharing with them.
- Just the tip of the iceberg.
- Note taken for lesson reflections.
- Really interesting and engaging session.
- Walking the carpet.
- A lot! Taking risks, how to observe effectively. The learners’ journey / the impact is most important.
- Reflection is the most important quality in the process.
- Promising, exciting, anxious!
- I have found this session extremely informative and will take forward a list of things including questioning resources and how this is a much more appropriate way to develop teaching practice.
- A wealth of learning.
- How to give ownership to the tutor to feedback about their lesson. How to use the feedback form correctly eg split into activity and impact of learning.
- Enjoyable workshop/session as it made me more aware of how to approach the conversation following lesson observation. Let them talk!
Tools for Online Engagement & Blended Learning
- A smorgasbord of healthy teaching and learning resources.
- Inspiring.
- Particularly interested in how we can utilise Blendspace to link our studios and workshops and demystify some of the processes.
- A very positive and energising training session that gave me the drive to apply my learning and make one change at a time. Delivered with intelligence, empathy and inclusiveness.
- Although I no longer have a teaching role I will definitely implement some of today’s tools into my staff development/feedback.
- A huge amount was covered in a relatively short space of time. Personally I would value a full day within the college environment that would enable a little more focus on these applications within the studio environment.
- A follow-up session next academic year would be great.
- A really thought provoking morning, thank you.
- This was such a great session. Really refreshing to have such high level training that was generous, practical and learner focused.
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