Greenbank College

Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching

  • As clear as a breath of fresh air.
  • Really enjoyed the sessions, made all of us think and discuss more about the cards in particular.
  • To constantly think about formative assessment when lesson planning.
  • The resources used are useful to me. The lesson about chemical bonding gave me an idea for a logic lesson.
  • I will change the way I write my SOW and lesson plans to include specific outcomes and remove the actual outcome from my SOW.
  • I enjoyed the session and will take away provocative questions, write outcomes to promote learner independence, meerkat strategy, the colour code to help write learning outcomes.
  • Enjoyed the session and will try and implement some of the ideas from the session.
  • Never too old to learn!
  • Implementing different strategies. I would take away the different types of assessments (50 Shades).
  • Use the website more. I fully enjoyed the whole afternoon. Fantastic.
  • I’ll be using quite a few of the teaching and assessment strategies.
  • Thank you, very thought-provoking session.
  • More thought and detail in my thinking.
  • I enjoyed this training day, thank you.
  • A better understanding/appreciation of tutor’s challenges in preparing lessons that supports the learner progress and independence.
  • Excellent “Grade=Outstanding”.
  • How different strategies can overlap. How I can support students to understand how their targets are formulated.
  • Informative.

Initial Assessment & Differentiation Controversy

  • I was like a pig in muck! Happy.
  • Try to promote learner independence as much as possible. Get learners to identify ways to improve (for formative feedback and assessment.)
  • Mindbending. “You’ve unlocked many of the ideas and strategies that I have been forming in my head. I can give them shape now”.
  • Tony is a fountain of knowledge. I’ve enjoyed learning new things.
  • Lots of great information. I’ll take away January being the time for extra excitement for the learners.
  • Really enjoyed learning new methods, I like being challenged to think differently about things.
  • Developed a better understanding of barriers to learning.
  • A good session that we could engage in and discuss ideas.
  • Appropriate Vs consistent. Celebrating independence of support, promoting independence by removing scaffolding in a timely and appropriate way.
  • Look at what will happen when the barriers / scaffolding are removed and plan ahead.
  • Interesting. Changed my perception of teaching.
  • Sweet and sour. It’s made me reassess the purpose of my planning.
  • I will re-evaluate my practice to include lots of today’s themes. I feel really motivated.
  • This session was a ‘bomb’ (loads of information / learning).
  • Always pushing forwards, promoting independence and encouraging students to their full potential.
  • Always be enthusiastic, have a consistent approach, full encouragement, up-to-date training.
  • Mind blowing. For me, the course content was something I had not come across before.
  • To think outside the box and remove scaffolding.

Learning Outcomes for Independent Learning

  • Relate learning outcomes to ‘barriers to learning’. To think of my outcomes re: verb, outcome, label – as a way to be very specific and defined. To be able to not share the outcomes with students at the beginning of the session.
  • I will now write learning outcomes for learners’ expert independent learning skills. I will use words such as ‘confidently’ in front of verbs such as demonstrate to remind myself to think about strategies to ensure they are confident and not nervously doing tasks.
  • I will focus and spend more time to complete outcomes. I will use the colour codes.
  • Watching my plants grow from start to finish.
  • Night to day. A full cycle of the moon.
  • Very interesting, very relatable and able to use practically.
  • From Sloth to Meerkat.
  • I’ll know to include “skills” that we needed, whereas would’ve neglected that before.
  • Thank you, very informative course. “How to make wiki pages” and “Gumption” please.
  • Fourth step on the ladder of learning.
  • It did make me think hard about how I create innovative IT lessons which keep the learners engaged while completing matrix assessments.
  • It has been an interesting session so far.
  • As bright as a star in the sky.
  • It gave me food for thought. I will use your shared knowledge and strategies in the future.
  • I will use quite a few of the assessment strategies. The website is brilliant and I will make good use of it. Thank you.
  • I don’t write learning outcomes, but I now have a better understanding of how tutors can piece them together.
  • Not overthink writing outcomes. To think about how LSW being used.
  • Very effective teacher, I have learnt a lot.
  • The carpet has had a clean.
  • Review with support staff how they enable students. Focus on improving communication between tutors and support staff.
  • Excellent “Grade – outstanding”.
  • To watch my learners flourish to their potential.
  • I found it very interesting and relooking how I will implement this into my outcomes.
  • Really enjoyed and very interesting morning, making me rethink. Fully enjoyed. Thank you.
  • Upgraded; ready to teach differently in some ways.
  • The session will help develop and improve the lessons that I teach.
  • Every section of the session was well prepared.


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