Lesson observation: The Evaluative Conversation

(c) Tony Davis

If your lesson observation system includes the observer giving feedback, there’s a strong chance it won’t create real, sustainable improvement – particularly for the 20% of staff whose positive impact on learning most needs improving. Watch this one-minute film to see that there is another way: https://youtu.be/hE1waiu6L0E. The RED System – Lesson observation reinvented. www.ccqi.org.uk/RED


Lesson observation: What teachers say about The RED System

Too often, lesson-observation systems seem to be designed primarily for accountability to management (even though many leaders will attempt to claim their system is about learning). Watch this 2-minute film and hear the teacher talk about accountability within The RED System – a learning-focused, data-rich replacement for traditional observation practice. There is another way – www.ccqi.org.uk/RED – Lesson observation reinvented.


The issues with traditional lesson observation

Lesson observation. Every system has an impact. Do you know what impact you’re having? Is it the one you want? These teachers and governor are clear about the impact of graded, Ofsted-style observation and feedback. There is another way – The RED System www.ccqi.org.uk/RED – Lesson observation reinvented.


Learning Independence: The goal and the journey

It’s fascinating to talk to teachers and managers in FE & Skills about Independent Learning; everyone is of one mind here: we all want it for our learners. But as a professional observer, it’s quite amazing to see the range of traditional pedagogy used that promotes dependence on the teacher, rather than independence of them. And management diktats about how teachers should teach are often to blame. At the itslearning UK conference next week at Hopwood Hall College I’ve just […]


It’s time for the sector to influence FE & Skills policy

It’s time for the sector to influence FE & Skills policy.

The misguided rhetoric that the FE & Skills system is ‘in a mess’ is too easily used by those in positions of influence to further their own personal political ideology.