Tony Davis Blog · Centre for Creative Quality Improvement

The Resilient Learner

(c) Tony Davis 2024

CCQI Research Group, call for collaborators Dear LinkedIn Network, this is a call for anyone who would like to join me on a collaborative research project. The project centres on a comparison between AI-designed and teacher-designed learning materials. The theme for this comparison is ‘The Resilient Learner’. There will be two outputs: a staff-development session on Resilience, and a short paper comparing AI- and human-designed resources. I’m interested in hearing from collaborators from the following three categories: those interested in […]


I’d like to talk about AI

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

It’s been an absolute delight to be a small part of the end-of-year college conference season, not just because I love sharing ideas and ‘stirring the pot’, but because I get to visit sessions delivered by others, too. And the speakers I’ve been seeking out have been the ones delivering on the theme of AI – Artificial Intelligence in Education. I’m a bit of a techy: Commodor 64 owner in 1981; did my LeTTOL (Learning to Teach Online) in 1995; […]


How to use a heartrate monitor to improve learner punctuality

(c) 2024 DN Colleges Group

The end-of-year conference season is upon us and it’s a delight to be spending these two weeks supporting colleges around the country. Yesterday, at the wonderful Doncaster and North Lindsey Colleges, we were looking at Learning Motivation. The session revolves around a series of really important conversations that prompt delegates to consider their starting point for creating a curriculum plan. The norm is to look at the number of units in the qualification, look at the number of hours and […]


Ofsted and the Quality Improvement Soap Opera

Just had my year made by Catherine Gray, of East Coast College. When I was a full-time HMI, and after many years on the front-line, one of my main roles was to manage the Good Practice Database. A huge privilege; finding the best and most innovative ways to broadcast the great work that providers were doing, such that others could explore opportunities for improving their own work. But wonderful as this work was, I knew that Ofsted’s approach to accountability […]


The only pedestals we fall off are the ones we put ourselves on

(c) Tony Davis

I’ve noticed recently that some quality managers want to shy away from the word ‘observation’. It seems that some have been brow-beaten by union reps claiming that teachers feel like they’re living in a Surveillance State and that there’s no trust anymore between management and front line. What a terrible situation for all, but particularly for our teachers. There is a reason for this, and I feel it’s quite straightforward to understand; though I’m not saying it’s an easy fix. […]