Abingdon and Witney College

21st Century Pedagogy

  • Lots of Eureka moments and pennies dropping – everything made sense.
  • Opened my mind – again!
  • The three colours of learning outcomes – really tricky to do, but once done (investment) can transform what then happens with learners.
  • Everything thrown up in the air and gradually falling back in a new order.
  • Like shedding the skin of the snake of bureaucratic approaches.
  • Not to write objectives to satisfy the college paperwork, but to actually make a difference to learning.
  • Refreshing!
  • Inspired.
  • Very good delivery – patient/calm/interesting. Tone/pitch of voice was spot on.

Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching

  • Ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
  • Two key points: ‘Preventable contact’ and ‘INformative assessment’
  • The RAG rating was particularly useful in personalising my own take-aways. Please do one on British Values!

Differentiation in English and maths

  • Spread creative wings even more!
  • Brilliantly delivered, many thanks.
  • It has given inspiration to start the journey.
  • It reminded me what differentiation is and how to hook learners in with creative ‘wow’ moments to begin a lesson.
  • Some very inspiring learning stories.
  • It will help me think creatively about how to meet learners’ needs.
  • It has made me look at differentiation in a new light re considering wider skills rather than academic ones.
  • It gave me food for thought. It was useful to talk through ideas with other people.
  • I enjoyed watching how you delivered the session – lots of good ideas!
  • Made me evaluate what the real issues are, rather than just look at the symptoms.
  • Great and inspiring ideas.
  • A spark. It helped me define what differentiation means at the moment.
  • The distinction between symptoms and issues and avoiding initiative overload.
  • I found it useful to think about the idea of curiosity and the preeminent place it has in learning, and how differentiation only exists as a means for all to find out how to learn.
  • I like the discursive style of the session, right amount of small-group work without wasting time. Plenty of good examples to chew on.
  • Planning for an exciting journey into the unknown!
  • The separating of issues and symptoms highlighted how much we try to change or fix unfixable things.
  • Reach for the stars!… and you may exceed your goals.
  • Reminder to differentiate strategies not outcomes.
  • Find the issues, and work from there.
  • This session has made me feel positive about teaching in the future – thank you!

HoT2 – Techniques for engaging learners

  • A magical tour.
  • [I need to] Take more risks, and work on what students dislike, and change delivery.
  • Excellent – refreshing.
  • Like a train gathering speed.
  • [I need to] Focus on culture from day 1.
  • Helped me to think bigger.
  • Like meeting up with an old friend for lunch.
  • I will concentrate more on ‘mind’ learning outcomes.
  • I want to think about a big induction event to help enthuse learners.
  • A small ripple can cause waves.
  • From a seed, a plant can grow and flourish.
  • Great day – enjoyable learning curve.
  • ‘Hit the spot’.
  • [I need to be] More visionary, less controlling.
  • Think creatively rather than pragmatically.
  • Really helped to understand the importance of induction and recognise the things we already do well, but evaluate what we could do to improve.
  • The label/verb/outcome exercise – we’ll use this.
  • Inspiring.
  • Using the pre-lesson review..
  • Paragliding with my sunglasses on.
  • Untangling and refocusing.

Learning Motivation – designing unmissable experiences

  • “Design learning experience” Genius!
  • Jumping out of the dark box of hell to the light, airy and positive space in my head.
  • Powerful reminder to concentrate on experience and transformation.
  • An enjoyable walk with fresh perspectives opening up!
  • Use the creativity & knowledge I have but don’t always use. Collaborate wherever possible.
  • The importance of planning for an emotional learning.
  • A really lively, engaging session.
  • Opening my mind to more imaginative learning.
  • Re-energised, 360 thinking.
  • A path of discovery.
  • Dare to try visceral experiences to motivate students in their learning.
  • Think big, be unreal then scale down. Create experiences not lessons. Share the issue first.
  • Raring to go!
  • Brilliant and inspiring session as always. Thank you so much.
  • Do less of what you think you have to and more of what will make students, and you, engaged and happy!
  • Thinking outside the box – try to take a risk to leave a long-lasting memory.
  • Running free barefoot on a sunny day.
  • Identifying low points and turning them into high points. Make January interesting for learners.
  • Motivational. Think differently about lesson planning and delivering content that might be dry or dull. More of it. Really enjoyable session.
  • Understand learners’ motivations more, make learning visceral. Thanks!
  • A path to discovery.
  • Turning lowest point to highest.
  • To laugh at the stuff I want to do and do it.
  • Total change of mindset to approach planning. Thank you!
  • Remember to help students make an emotional connection.
  • This session was eye-opening.
  • Amazing – thought provoking.
  • Loved it – just my wavelength.
  • Planning learning experiences not lesson planning.
  • Tomorrow is another day!
  • Don’t let the passion die.
  • A great session, thank you.
  • Owning the problem, engaging learners.
  • Inspiring.
  • Change my SoW around. Make them more happy.
  • Eye-opening.
  • I really enjoyed the session! It was thought-provoking!
  • Thought provoking.
  • Trying different ways, not being scared.
  • Transformation.
  • Thought-provoking.
  • Take weak points – make them strength.
  • Very good.
  • Thought inducing.
  • Reviewing problems with root cause.
  • Very informative and pleasant. Very interesting and links to our TLA at college.

Learning Outcomes for Independent Learning

  • Lifted the fog.
  • I now am able to use learning outcomes (again) to benefit my learner’s learning!
    More importantly it will make a wider difference across our college as we look to improve how we use learning outcomes and plan for them on our ‘slim’ scheme of work.

The CCQI Self-Assessment Strategy

  • I can see clearly now the EIF has gone!
  • A flipped approach to self assessment that connects the dots and meets the needs of the learners.
  • The intention is to change the whole college SAR process to ensure it relates to the learner journey, and I am here because I am pushing for it.
  • Now I have a tried and tested strategy to presents to my colleagues.
  • Can see the light at the end of the self assessment tunnel!!
  • More focus on ‘however’ when writing statements when something is assessed as being good.
    Drilling down to find the underlying issue rather than focusing on the symptoms.

The RED System

  • A bit of a rollercoaster. Change to a more empowering model that trusts teachers.

Transformational Lesson Observation

  • Opening my eyes to a new way of thinking/working.
  • I’ve walked the carpet!
  • This session completely aligns with my own values and made me question the existing system even more!
  • Meteoric impact.
  • The lightbulb has been turned on. Allowed me to think from a different POV.
  • Highly motivated and inspirational. It has been quite a while since I have felt inspired to ‘create a new culture’.
  • A wonderful tour bus around the city of teacher empowerment.
  • I climbed a mountain -thank you!
  • Skipping over hills.
  • Put the pieces together for me, both with my own personal development and my ability to effectively support others’ development which will undoubtedly improve the learning experience for our students.
  • Awakening
  • My lunchbox is now packed for the beginning of my journey as an observer.
  • Particularly liked the momentum graph.
  • Best bit was the TEACHER doing self-reflection immediately post session.
  • Now more achievable to resist temptation to advise because of the excellent tools and phrases discovered today to promote self reflection and progression instead.
  • The website is great and a useful tool. I really like to learning skills taxonomy.


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