Wirral Council Lifelong Learning Service
Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching
- My lesson plans are dinosaurs.
- Amazing and eye opening.
- [I need to] Revisit, review, refine and re-energise.
- Will use the assessment strategies to make the more difficult aspects/subjects more enjoyable and fun.
- I loved the session. It has made me think more about the learners.
- [I need to] Be aware of how people should always be travelling ‘across the carpet’.
- I am much more aware of the huge variety of formative assessment strategies.
- Like a dream!!
- Rocket trajectory!
- Introduce more group assessment and get learners to take more control over their learning.
- Well prepared, very informative and useful. Thank you very much for your friendly delivery.
- Really appropriately pitched with excellent resources.
- Aiming higher.
- Start planning with outcome which if well written will lead to a good range of assessment and learning activities.
- I have crossed the carpet.
- Alter my ‘stuff’ to support the learning outcomes more efficiently.
- Great delivery and content. Extremely useful, thank you.
- A mindful walk across the carpet J
- I will be rewriting learning outcomes and using a variety of assessment strategies for formative assessment.
- Car needs to become a newer model.
- Interested to see strategies/teaching overlap.
- Like taking a chauffeured car, rather than a bus. (i.e. a lot more pleasant than expected for a long day!)
- Aim to use expert learning traits in lesson planning and highlight at start of session.
- Inspiring.
- I’ll take nothing I’ve done in the past as useful, but how I could improve everything.
- An excellent day that really highlighted what I should be doing.
- 5*
Clarifying Governance
- Today was like an epiphany.
- Very thought provoking. Excellent – insightful.
- I have a greater understanding of the impact of my role as a governor and the influence on the culture of WLL.
- I need to see the bigger picture.
- Really interesting to see the origins of the approach the Council Life Long Learning Service has taken this year.
- Good balance of practical activity and discussion. Very interested in concept and approach to changing culture.
- Brilliant. Made a big difference and about raising my own view on Governance.
Initial Assessment & Differentiation Controversy
- Excellent facilitator. Found the session really inspiring and interesting!
- Tony – you have re-instated my faith in training! Thank you J
- Creative sessions leaving me more curious to explore a variety of methods.
- Excellent training, very thought provoking.
- A journey across the carpet!
- The teaching was chilled and non-demanding. Initial assessment – I will change the way I get information about learners from learners.
- A shooting star.
- Have to say overall I found today very helpful.
- Very good. I would like to thank you for your insight.
- Like a trip through the hills with changing scenery.
- I would like to perfect writing creatively when planning and designing SOW and lesson plans to ensure learner engagement and curiosity.
- Using ‘active’ verbs in writing learning outcomes. Really enjoyed the day, Tony, delivery and content.
- Learning outcome wording. Great to hear that change to attitudes in how to observe is being driven.
- Intriguing.
- [I need to] Update LOs, rewrite assessments with scaffolding – breaking down questions into series of simpler steps.
- To look at ways to make learners enjoy and be curious to learn new skills.
- Foundation stones are the most important.
- Set the seeds for flowers.
- Encouragement to be more creative; identification of how to achieve impact; review current outcomes to see if they are fit for purpose.
- How to write better learning outcomes – be more creative. Use of initial assessment in a different way. Differentiation – importance of how it is used.
- Sharing information with other participants – stealing ideas. Make curiosity an essential part of my sessions.
- I will write my outcomes following the colour code! I think it would be really interesting to set up a competition (friendly) with other tutors to come up with the most whacky start to sessions. ‘The Meerkat challenge.’
Perfecting Self-Assessment Writing
- Session made us (the group) think about some very fundamental issues… Like why are we doing it and who for? Critical for any purposeful outcome.
- Self assessment that evaluates and changes practice for learners on programme now.
- There has been significant impact on our practice re self assessment.
- Very thought provoking and genuinely useful.
The Art of Using Target Setting
- Eye opening. Refocusing – on what matters and what we’re actually here for.
- I’m working with one tutor to implement the design cycle – which came out of discussions we were having re aims of curriculum. This training has given me the confidence and impetus to develop and push this approach through to a much broader set of tutors and curriculum areas.
The CCQI Self-Assessment Strategy
- I went to see a man about a dog, but I saw the dog!!
- Thanks, very useful and will change how we do our SAR & QIP & the service.
- Team needs to change our system significantly to make self assessment dynamic, useful & questioning.
- Small group session was particularly effective, I thought.
- An excellent session – Light at the end of the tunnel?
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